Hassan Tower in Rabat

Hassan Tower in Rabat

· 4 min read

Hassan Tower, or Tour Hassan, stands as an enduring symbol of Rabat, Morocco’s rich history and architectural brilliance. This iconic structure, although unfinished, has captivated visitors for centuries with its majestic presence and historical significance.

Historical Background

The Vision of Sultan Yacoub al-Mansour

Hassan Tower was commissioned by Sultan Yacoub al-Mansour, the third Caliph of the Almohad dynasty, in the late 12th century. The Sultan envisioned a grand mosque that would surpass all others in the world, reflecting the Almohad Empire’s power and architectural prowess. Construction began in 1195, but the Sultan’s death in 1199 halted the project, leaving the tower and mosque incomplete.

The Unfinished Mosque

Despite its incomplete status, the Hassan Tower, along with the remains of the mosque, offers a glimpse into the ambitious architectural plans of the Almohads. The mosque was intended to accommodate 20,000 worshippers, with the tower standing as its minaret. Today, only the 44-meter-high tower and numerous columns remain, illustrating the grandeur that was once envisioned.

Architectural Features

Design and Structure

Hassan Tower is a quintessential example of Almohad architecture, characterized by its intricate stonework and geometric patterns. The tower, built from red sandstone, features a square base measuring approximately 16 meters on each side. Its design includes elaborate arches and decorative motifs, showcasing the artistry of the era.

The Minaret

Originally planned to reach a height of 86 meters, the tower currently stands at 44 meters. The minaret’s design includes ramps instead of stairs, which were intended to allow the muezzin to ride a horse to the top. This innovative feature reflects the practical considerations in Almohad architectural design.

The Gardens

Surrounding Hassan Tower are beautifully landscaped gardens, offering a serene environment for visitors. These gardens enhance the site’s allure, providing a picturesque setting for contemplation and relaxation.

Significance and Impact

Cultural Heritage

Hassan Tower is not just a historical monument; it is a symbol of Rabat’s cultural heritage. The site, along with the adjacent Mausoleum of Mohammed V, forms part of the larger historic complex that has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2012. This recognition underscores the tower’s importance as a cultural and historical treasure.

Tourist Attraction

As one of Rabat’s premier tourist attractions, Hassan Tower draws a significant number of visitors each year. Its historical significance, coupled with its architectural beauty, makes it a must-visit destination. The annual number of tourists visiting Hassan Tower is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands, contributing to the local economy and promoting cultural tourism in Morocco.

Visiting Hassan Tower


Hassan Tower is easily accessible from various parts of Rabat. The site is located near the city center, making it convenient for tourists staying in the area. Public transportation, including buses and taxis, provides easy access to the monument.

Guided Tours

For those interested in delving deeper into the history and significance of Hassan Tower, guided tours are available. These tours offer valuable insights and contextual information, enhancing the visitor experience.

Nearby Attractions

Visitors to Hassan Tower can also explore nearby attractions such as the Mausoleum of Mohammed V, the Kasbah of the Udayas, and the Chellah Necropolis. These sites collectively offer a rich tapestry of Rabat’s historical and cultural landscape.


Hassan Tower remains a testament to Rabat’s historical and architectural legacy. Its unfinished state adds to its mystique, inviting visitors to imagine the grandeur that might have been. As a symbol of Morocco’s rich heritage, Hassan Tower continues to inspire awe and admiration among those who visit, ensuring its place as a cherished landmark for generations to come.

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Liam Andrews

About Liam Andrews

Liam Andrews is our go-to tech guru and digital nomad, bringing the latest trends from the intersection of technology and travel to our readers. With his ear always to the ground and a knack for explaining complex topics in an accessible way, Liam’s articles are a treasure trove of tips for staying connected on the go. Whether he’s reviewing the latest gadgets or exploring remote work strategies, his infectious enthusiasm and expertise make tech an adventure. When he unplugs, Liam indulges in urban photography and curates playlists for his next big road trip.

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